As you know he's much easier to reach than women ejaculate. This often triggers a fight that ultimately creates a more harmonious relationship. Thus, healthy relationships and good sex can improve the quality of relationships between couples (men and women are beautiful, if dark au ah gay.
From various studies prove that most women many have never experienced an orgasm during sex. Sex is not
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sexual Tips | Healthy tips
quality of sex,
sex based,
sexual climax,
women ejaculate,
women's bodies
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Khasiat herbal dari Habbatus Sauda’

Anda pernah mencoba Habbatus Sauda’ atau Jinten Hitam atau Syuwainiz? Mungkin sebagian besar dari kita belum mencoba karena beberapa alasan. Tapi Habbatus Sauda’ ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa pengobatan atau suplemen yang dianjurkan oleh Nabi kita.
Dari Imam Bukhari meriwayatkan dari ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha. bahwa ia pernah mendengar Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya: “Sungguh dalam habbatus sauda’ itu terdapat penyembuh segala penyakit, kecuali as-sam.” Saya bertanya, “Apakah as-sam itu?” Beliau menjawab, “Kematian”. Habbatus sauda’ berkhasiat mengobati segala jenis penyakit dingin, bisa juga membantu kesembuhan berbagai penyakit panas karena faktor temporal. Biji habbatus sauda’ mengandung 40% minyak takasiri dan 1,4% minyak atsiri, 15 jenis asam amino, protein, Ca, Fe, Na dan K. kandungan aktifnya thymoquinone (TQ), dithymouinone (DTQ), thymohydroquimone (THQ) dan thymol (THY). Telah terbukti dari berbagai hasil penelitian ilmiah bahwa habbatus sauda’ mengaktifkan kekebalan spesifik/kekebalan didapat, karena ia meningkatkan kadar sel-sel T pembantu, sel-sel T penekan, dan sel-sel pembunuh alami. Beberapa resep penggunaan dan manfaat habbatus sauda’:
- Ditumbuk, dibuat adonan dangan campuran madu, kemudian diminum setelah dicampur air panas, diminum rutin berhari-hari: menghancurkan batu ginjal dan batu kandung kencing, memperlancar air seni, haid dan ASI.
- Diadon dengan air tepung basah atau tepung yang sudah dimasak, mampu mengeluarkan cacing dengan lebih kuat.
- Minum minyaknya kira-kira sesendok dicampur air untuk menghilangkan sesak napas dan sejenisnya.
- Dimasak dengan cuka dan dipakai berkumur-kumur untuk mengobati sakit gigi karena kedinginan.
- Digunakan sebagai pembalut dicampur cuka untuk mengatasi jerawat dan kudis bernanah.
- Ditumbuk halus, setiap hari dibalurkan ke luka gigitan anjing gila sebagian dua atau tiga kali oles, lalu dibersihkan dengan air.
“Pada diskusi Asosiasi Pengobat Tradisional Indonesia (Aspetri) barat sudah menguasai jintan hitam. Mereka sudah meneliti manfaat dan melakukan inovasi jintan hitam, Jerman bahkan sudah membuat permen jintan hitam,” jelasnya.
Jintan hitam terbukti memiliki banyak manfaat. Direktur Institut Immonologi dari Universitas Munich, G Reitmuller mengatakan, jintan hitam dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan dapat digunakan bioregulator.
Manfaat Habbatussauda dapat dijadikan obat untuk penyakit yang menyerang kekebalan tubuh, seperti kanker dan AIDS. Dengan kandungan asam linoleat (omega 6) dan asam linoleat (omega 3).
Lebih lanjut warsono menjelaskan, Habbatussauda merupakan nutrisi bagi sel otak untuk meningkatkan daya ingat dan kecerdasan. Habbatussauda juga memperbaiki peredaran darah ke otak dan sangat cocok diberikan kepada anak usia pertumbuhan dan orang lanjut usia (lansia).
Selain itu, Habbatussauda juga sangat baik bagi kinerja hormon. Hormon adalah zat aktif yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin yang masuk dalam peredaran darah. Salah satu kandungan Habbatussauda adalah setrol yang berfungsi sebagai sintesa dan bioaktivitas hormon. kandungan saponion yang terdapat di dalam habbatussauda dapat menetralkan dan membersihkan racun di dalam tubuh.
Sapion yang terdapat pada Habbatussauda’ dapat memperbaiki fungsi jantung, ginjal, otot tubuh dan syaraf. Sehingga mengonsumsi Habbtauusauda dapat meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dari perubahan lingkungan, mengobati gangguan tidur dan dapat menghilangkan stres.
Habbatussauda juga diyakini sebagai anti-histamin. Histamin adalah sebuah zat yang dilepaskan oleh jaringan tubuh yang memberikan reaksi alergi seperti pada asthma bronkial. Hasilnya cukup meyakinkan, 70 % yang menderita alergi debu, serbuk, jerawat dan asthma sembuh setelah diberi minyak Habbatussauda.
Berdasarkan pengalaman, Habbatussauda berfungsi melancarkan air susu ibu. Kombinasi bagian lemak tidak jenuh dan struktur hormonoal yang terdapat dalam minyak Habbatussauda dapat melancarkan air susu ibu. Tidak hanya bagi ibu, anak-anak pun dapat merasakan manfaat Habbatussauda.
Pada masa pertumbuhan, anak membutuhkan nutrusi untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh secara alami, terutama pada musim hujan anak sangat mudah terkena flu dan pilek. Kandungan Omega 3, Omega 6 dan Omega 9 yang terdapat pada Habbatussauda merupakan nutrisi untuk memperbaiki daya tahan tubuh anak juga perkembangan jaringan otak.
Saat ini Indonesia mengimpor Habbatussauda dari Afrika, Mesir dan India. Produk-produk Habbatussauda kini sudah mudah didapat di tempat pengobatan Thibun Nabawi. Semoga artikelnya bisa diresapi hikmahnya. thanks ya..
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tips for Healthy living
Health problems can arise at any time, especially if we are not aware of the symptoms and causes. No we know the lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns is a major causative factor.
Although there are other causes that can not be avoided such as pollution fakor genetic and environmental factors.
To stay healthy, there are many ways to get it. One of them, follow these seven tactics and get a
Although there are other causes that can not be avoided such as pollution fakor genetic and environmental factors.
To stay healthy, there are many ways to get it. One of them, follow these seven tactics and get a
Superior cholesterol favourable for the mettle
The scrutiny, publicized in the Repository of Medicine, December stock, found that people who feature low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) sterol or "moral" has a 60% greater risk of Alzheimer's disease after age 65, than fill who love HDL levels alto.
Cholesterol is a ceraceous center made up of cholesterin 'suitable and bad' and triglycerides in the bloodstream. Solon than 50% of the
Cholesterol is a ceraceous center made up of cholesterin 'suitable and bad' and triglycerides in the bloodstream. Solon than 50% of the
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You may have heard about acai berry And you probably already have an opinion Acai Berry, and the bias and the benefits you get. Acai for the most part been mainly marketed as a solution to weight loss even though there are many other benefits that you can get from consuming acai berries.
Acai berry really is all around you for a long time. They have grown in the flood plain of the river Amazon
Acai berry really is all around you for a long time. They have grown in the flood plain of the river Amazon
Monday, November 29, 2010
Soda trigger your bone health
After you read the article - an article from my blog. you know how much it caused the disease in soda drinks. you'll want to start limiting soft drinks. Because the content of various additives in it, including a flavor enhancer, dye, acid additives, foam-forming agents, and preservatives in it is not good for health. Drinking a can of soda a day otherwise could increase the risk of metabolic
Sunday, November 28, 2010
7 reasons to like eggs for your health
MAYBE you are not aware, that we usually eat eggs for breakfast or as an ingredient in dishes such as fried rice companion has a myriad of benefits more than we thought. Let's look at what the hell excess eggs, besides of course easy to get, the price is fairly economical, and can be combined in a variety of cuisine.
1. Sources of protein: the content of the eggs are all natural ingredients.
1. Sources of protein: the content of the eggs are all natural ingredients.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A good source of nutrition for our bodies exist in the egg
One large egg contains 6.25 grams protein, 75 calories and 13 essential vitamins, also contains minerals. Most of the protein is in egg whites, while vitamins, minerals and fat in carotenoids or yellow pigments that exist in the egg yolk. In addition, egg yolks also contain cholesterol.
The best way to enjoy eggs:
- Enjoy the egg, omelet or a frittata (Italian
The best way to enjoy eggs:
- Enjoy the egg, omelet or a frittata (Italian
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The facts behind the consumption of eggs
They say eggs do contain cholesterol, which is quite high, 213 milligrams. Therefore, the food sources of these proteins had previously been declared as a major cause of heart disease. In fact, cholesterol from food is not the major cause of clogged arteries, but saturated fats and trans fats.
The risk of heart disease than healthy breakfast this one is more due to the mixtures, especially
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Boiled eggs are able to flatten a bloated stomach
you can not lose weight? Try eating a MUFA (single unsaturated fatty acid), good fats from plants.
Studies show that these good fats can strengthen heart health and protect against chronic diseases. In addition, recent studies also show that foods that contain these good fats can help burn belly fat is the most difficult to remove.
Almond. The content of MUFA and vitamin E in almonds work
Friday, November 19, 2010
Banish drowsiness while driving
for you are accustomed to carrying vehicles, especially cars to support the activities, of course often feel sleepy in the middle of the journey. It is not uncommon, especially when the distance that must be passed fairly long especially coupled with the congestion.
Despite paltry drowsiness while driving is dangerous because it reduces our concentration. Drowsiness indicate fatigue in the brain
Despite paltry drowsiness while driving is dangerous because it reduces our concentration. Drowsiness indicate fatigue in the brain
Succeeded in quitting smoking nervously selibritis hollywood
Celebrity could be someone who made his fans fad. Thus, it is not surprising that the tips they provide are often considered more inspiring to be applied. Celebrities with a healthy lifestyle certainly has a great influence on public health.
For example just by following these five Hollywood celebrities who have successfully stopped smoking habits toward a healthy lifestyle. Here are the five
For example just by following these five Hollywood celebrities who have successfully stopped smoking habits toward a healthy lifestyle. Here are the five
Monday, November 15, 2010
Heating Ultrasound for Breast Cancer
A doctor from the Netherlands to try new treatments for breast cancer patients using ultrasound heating in order to kill tumor cells. (10/11).Ultrasound energy will generate heat about 60 to 90 degrees Celsius by using ultrasound technique. The resulting heat energy causes the tumor cells die and thus the cells are removed from the body, the local press from the University Medical Center (UMC)
In addition to health, sleep also helps you to aimlessly creative ideas
Sleep is good for health and also the development of tissue. Activities that the basic human needs that it also affects how the brain to produce new ideas creative nan."Sleep makes memories stick in the brain. The process of reorganization and restructuring in memory of the owner will help generate ideas," said Jessica D. Payne, head of research University of Notre Dame, Indiana, as quoted from
Triclosan Affect Sexual Function
Antibacterial products such as soap and liquid hand sanitizer proved to have adverse effects for the body. The fact was discovered accidentally by Professor Rolf Haden and a team from the University of Arizona, United States, which at that time are investigating antimicrobial products to maximize the benefits from use of these products.In the study, as reported by Medindia, found that triclosan
Vulnerable young age cholesterol
Young AGE usually not too worried about the risk of heart attack until their middle-aged. People in their 20s actually have to watch cholesterol levels in the body because if you do not realize, is too high cholesterol can damage arteries. No different, excess cholesterol at a young age can also cause heart attacks, strokes, and paralysis as well as pancreatitis.Please note, cholesterol is one
This is no more .. healthy food when broken heart
Disease this one, the only disease that is difficult to cure. ALMOST everyone has experienced a broken heart. When feeling, that often we do usually only pensive in a room or in front of the television while watching romantic movies like Sleepless in Seattle while, a bowl of ice cream, and think hard why these bad things can happen. But if the ice cream can actually help restore our hurt?Although
Various health benefits of eggs for our bodies
EGG is a nutritious and easily available at affordable prices. Eggs contain protein content, high vitamin and mineral. You are worried about fat content? Do not worry, the egg contains very little saturated fat. Therefore, if you want fast food, eggs can be your choice. Here are some benefits that you can get by consuming eggs.Maintaining brain healthEggs are rich in choline which is essential
Soda and diabetes risk to your health
A question for you! Do you belong to a group of soda?, How much soda has become part of your life. Soda seepage through your throat when you feel thirsty, make you not willing to let go of soda cans and bottles in your refrigerator.You need to know the dangers caused by consuming too many soft drinks. As has been observed previously: * Research by associations like the American Diabetes
Again - again about the dangers of drink soda..
You who like to drink - drink sugary sodas? It is better to start limiting the amount of consumption. The reason, researchers say that those who consumed at least two sugary soda drinks per week 87 percent greater risk of experiencing a deadly pancreatic cancer than those who avoid soda.Researchers are not sure whether the soft drinks is the sole cause or due to unhealthy lifestyles users soda.
Soda it can trigger skin health!!
hemm one more reason not to order soft drinks at your restaurant. From the results of a recent study, revealed the possibility that soda can trigger a person's risk of skin cancer.Sweetened sodas long as it's often blamed for the increasing number of people with obesity. Health experts worry too much consumption of soft drinks and drink less milk in infancy increases the risk of osteoporosis. And
7 substitute the white water of the same - the same to protect our health
WE certainly realize how large the benefits of water for health, but to be honest sometimes we too tired to drink it, so replace them with other types of beverages that taste, but not necessarily healthy. Actually there are several types of beverages that can replace water, but still have health benefits.So far, we recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to reduce flatulence,
Cold water was able to prevent us in time of anger
Sipping cold water in the fridge when I want to anger was powerful emotional persaaan muffle it. Cold water? Yes, according to Dr. Leo Galland in his blog on the Huffington Post, cold water suspected to defuse powerful emotional feelings."According to the findings Tyfts University, dehydration has an influence on mood and calm one's soul," he said. From the research that he did, found an
Drinking soda was a danger to our health, especially your back
BACK again, bad news for you fans of soda, especially the drink it almost every day. Scientists from Boston University suggests that drinking soda almost every day could increase the risk of gout.Gout is an inflammation of unknown cause pain because of increased levels of uric acid in the blood which then flows into the muscle.According to Wikipedia, soda water is a kind of water that are
Health hazard for users of laptop
INFO for women. Be careful of men, especially for those who often use a laptop with a position in his lap. After investigation, the habit could actually pose a risk to fertility or fertility level of the adam.The study, conducted by the Fertility and Sterility has found that men are more lap laptop on the table rather than put at risk of decline in sperm quality. This is because, the heat from
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Healthy foods for skin woman
here's who in contemporary women wait, on physical beauty, physical beauty can be achieved in various ways. Not only do body care routine, but by eating healthy foods.According to news reported by EatingWell, Wednesday (30/12/2009), healthy foods that can help you attained their beautiful skin glow, among them:AvocadoThe green fruit is rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, and minerals. Avocado useful
Foods that are beneficial to the health of men
1. TomatoesThe acidic tomatoes may encourage spending gastric juice, helps digest protein and so on. Vitamin C is much contained in it can produce bone glue linking the blood vessels. Levels of potassium in the minerals in it at most, help remove the element of salt in the blood, and has the function of lowering blood pressure.2. SoybeanAccording to statistics, men who frequently eat meals from
5 options stress preventing foods
Stress the word, seems familiar ears lita, who is not familiar with this word? Almost every individual experience. Especially in those who often chased by time constraints. Stress conditions often make the immune system and result in decreased easy to be sick, from colds to heart disease.Actually foods that can reduce your stress like a warm oatmeal can increase levels of serotonin in the body so
Be aware of foods that contain cholesterol
In the health world a healthy diet is the first effort to fight rising levels of cholesterol. "If you eat foods with lots of fruits and vegetables plus fish, you are on track to maintain healthy cholesterol," says Lisa Dorfman, a nutritionist and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.You must reduce the following foods:Dairy productsSaturated fat is the stopper of the arteries and
Smart in choosing food
Do not choose food with a haphazard, if you do not want to have a disease. if one chose the diet, in fact you will experience a loss.Currently, many experts and Internet sites that provide information about the importance of choosing food. Among the suggestions that antioxidants also play an important role. In order to achieve adequate levels of antioxidants, you should eat foods with a minimum
The importance of healthy food for cancer patient
by using a healthy diet that can affect patients with cancerous conditions, although the effect is not too large, an expert says.Despite the limited number and quality of research findings, experts from the UK said they can conclude that a healthy diet can effectively influence the condition of cancer patients.They say that eating healthy food eating continuously very promising for the
Healthy living tips to prevent cancer
lately, especially in developing advanced neraga, many people who implement healthy lifestyle behaviors in line with the movement of cancer prevention.The following steps are recommended to prevent cancer:• Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, tofu and foods that contain lots of fiber. At least one or two times a day to consume green vegetables and fruits.• Avoid excessive weight gain or obesity.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Five easy tips on how to live a healthy life
Healthy life was not difficult. No need to bother to count calories or sort out the food. By carefully choosing the color of food, eat wheat bread and eat snack can be the solution for healthy living. Try just the other easy ways!Sometimes a lot of people think it bothered a healthy life. Starting the diet was so heavy it had to imagine what the food should not be eaten and should prepare food
Monday, November 8, 2010
Do not be LAZY Exercising!
HAD a lot of people know that exercise is good for health. However, more and more people are reluctant to exercise for reasons no time, busy, lazy, or feel his body healthy.In fact, once someone reaches the age of 30 years, began a decline in muscle mass of his body. If they do not exercise, the decline can not be prevented or slowed.DECREASE muscle mass from age 30 to 70 years could reach 40
The fact of Diabetes
With nearly 1 of every 10 people in the U.S. have diabetes, most of usknow someone who is suffering from this disease.
However, do you know what is diabetes?
What is Diabetes?Diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin or use (a hormone). Insulin helps the body process the sugar (or glucose) into energy needed by your body.
False: Diabetes is caused by eating sweets. Not true.
However, do you know what is diabetes?
What is Diabetes?Diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin or use (a hormone). Insulin helps the body process the sugar (or glucose) into energy needed by your body.
False: Diabetes is caused by eating sweets. Not true.
10 Ways to Overcome the Most Powerful STRESS
For some, success is not always only bring positive things. The more successful a person generally will be increasingly crowded schedule, and no doubt his life will be more susceptible to diseases such thing as 'Stress'.Each promotion will always be accompanied by additional responsibilities which incidentally also means additional stress. The challenge is how to handle the stress of this disease
Friday, November 5, 2010
Long life with a little alcohol
STATEMENT if alcohol is not good for health is not entirely correct. Alcohol can be beneficial to health, of course, in the amount that is not excessive. A study from the Netherlands discover, consume a little alcohol every day can increase life expectancy. The trick, cut you in half a glass of wine glasses per day.
According to researchers, drinking up to half a glass of wine per day can
According to researchers, drinking up to half a glass of wine per day can
Alcohol for bone health
ALCOHOL is not necessarily associated with negative things. Of course, if taken in quantities that fit and proper type. This is evidenced by a study by a team of researchers from Tufts University.
They found that drinking 1 or 2 glasses of wine or beer every day can help strengthen bones. But, according to the researchers, the type and dosage should be appropriate. "Drinking more than 2
They found that drinking 1 or 2 glasses of wine or beer every day can help strengthen bones. But, according to the researchers, the type and dosage should be appropriate. "Drinking more than 2
Alcohol increase cancer risk prankreas
A study showed that consuming two alcoholic drinks a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer naturally. These results were obtained by analyzing the re-14 studies have been published previously. " We saw an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 22% in those who drank two or more types of alcoholic drinks a day compared with those who do not drink alcohol, "said study
Child obesity heart disease risk
PATTERN eat the child should be monitored so that he is not overweight or obese. Because, according to latest research results, it was revealed that obesity in children is a sign that he is at risk of heart disease in later middle age.In a study to monitor the overweight adolescents, found that their blood vessels were brought under rigid as well as conditions commonly found in adults with
Alcohol causes premature babies
Experts say, women who drink too much alcohol in early pregnancy, perhaps before they were aware of her pregnancy, a higher risk of premature delivery.
A study of 4719 Australian women shows, nearly 80%, the risk is higher in women who drink too much in the first 3 months of pregnancy, although then it stops.
BJOG journal study found no evidence of problem drinking in women with low
A study of 4719 Australian women shows, nearly 80%, the risk is higher in women who drink too much in the first 3 months of pregnancy, although then it stops.
BJOG journal study found no evidence of problem drinking in women with low
Between alcohol with heroin is more alcohol in harmful health hazards
After further investigation, alcohol was known to cause greater harm to the health of the body than drugs like heroin or cocaine.Professor David Nutt, held a study that analyzed the levels of both substances are dangerous against either individuals or society. Through the study also revealed that alcohol is more dangerous than addictive substances such as cocaine and heroin.For the category
Stress, disease top that interfere with employee health
STRESS poorer is the number one health problem among employees, particularly at employees who work on public facilities. From a survey of 2,000 employees who held TUC, are known to stress is the most common diseases suffered by employees.
According to Wikipedia, the dynamic stress is a condition when an individual is faced with the opportunities, demands, or resources related to what is
According to Wikipedia, the dynamic stress is a condition when an individual is faced with the opportunities, demands, or resources related to what is
Healthy vegetarian lifestyle
How vegetarian diet is one lifestyle that has now been followed by many people. Changes in dietary patterns is not without reason, as compared with the general population, the offender is usually a vegetarian dietmempunayi body mass index (body mass index / BMI) lower, lower cholesterol, decreased risk of type-2 diabetes and coronary heart disease risk reduction. Sounds very promising right
Diet foods for healthy and stay fit body
FOOD we eat determines the physical and emotional health. During this time, you may have often heard the term healthy eating patterns. But, not a few people who are still confused with its application.
Healthy diet means a diet plan that includes a combination of all the nutrients the body needs, in sufficient quantities. A healthy diet should consist of three main meals and two snacks,
Healthy diet means a diet plan that includes a combination of all the nutrients the body needs, in sufficient quantities. A healthy diet should consist of three main meals and two snacks,
Create a happy marriage sleeping beauty
A study found, happy marriages do not just make women more easily through and enjoy the day but also helps them sleep soundly at night.
Wendy Troxel, PhD, of the psychiatry department of the University of Pittsburgh along with his friends, studied 1938 married women from 1996-1997. The researchers figure out the relationship between sleep disturbance less with a happy marriage in
Wendy Troxel, PhD, of the psychiatry department of the University of Pittsburgh along with his friends, studied 1938 married women from 1996-1997. The researchers figure out the relationship between sleep disturbance less with a happy marriage in
Signs you have a healthy and happy life
SIZE someone has been happy not based on economic level or position that has been obtained. Do you realize that a few simple things in life really have to make yourself happy more than you think. Here are eight signs that you actually have been happy.
1. Students who are full of smilesConsider again your yearbook when the high school. Apparently, they are photographed with a smile have a
1. Students who are full of smilesConsider again your yearbook when the high school. Apparently, they are photographed with a smile have a
Health At Work Bad Effects
WHEN a result of the study suggested that sitting all day can hasten death, we were startled. But still, there are ways to minimize adverse effects on health work, both behind the desk or keep wandering children.
1. Sitting all daySitting too long is not good. Not only would provide pressure to the back of your body that cause pain and nerve disorders, but the latest research sits too long
1. Sitting all daySitting too long is not good. Not only would provide pressure to the back of your body that cause pain and nerve disorders, but the latest research sits too long
5 Reasons not to eat at your desk because it disrupts your health
Tight schedule and a pile of work waiting in the office we must makemobilize all the time and energy in the office desk. Because it is difficult to leave work, we too often around this by eating at the table in order to streamline the time available.
But you know, it's not good to do because it will reduce the concentration, productivity, and health. Here are five reasons to eat anywhere
But you know, it's not good to do because it will reduce the concentration, productivity, and health. Here are five reasons to eat anywhere
Healthy with Hot Stone Massage Therapy
You feel tired and need something that can make you feel relaxed, relieve tension or make you forget the day that are less fun? If true, then the hot stone massage therapy (hot stone massage) can be a solution of your choice. The benefits of this therapy has been proven for centuries.
Ancient cultures and Native Americans use this therapy techniques to improve mental health, spiritual and
Ancient cultures and Native Americans use this therapy techniques to improve mental health, spiritual and
Benefits of massage for health
After further investigation, it is known was in addition able to make a fitter body, massage can indirectly prevent diseases by improving our immune system.
Massage is the provision of energy which is input into the body to facilitate blood circulation so as to avoid even the disease can also cure diseases. It is widely recognized that massage can help to overcome various health problems.
Massage is the provision of energy which is input into the body to facilitate blood circulation so as to avoid even the disease can also cure diseases. It is widely recognized that massage can help to overcome various health problems.
Encouraging Acupuncture Pregnancy
It sounds a bit strange, what is the relationship between a needle in women with pregnancy? However, research shows that acupuncture can improve pregnancy if done right before or after embryos are placed in the womb.
"Acupuncture requires placing very thin needles at specific points on the body to try to manage pain and reduce stress. In fertility treatments, acupuncture is estimated to
"Acupuncture requires placing very thin needles at specific points on the body to try to manage pain and reduce stress. In fertility treatments, acupuncture is estimated to
Acupuncture Able to Prevent Suicide
THE Chinese health experts claim that traditional treatment methods of their country of origin, particularly acupuncture, can prevent a person wishes to commit suicide.
Du Wendong from the Institute of Psychology, University of Nanjing said there were no suicides that occurred in the university since 1985. At that time, the government began using the traditional Chinese method of acupuncture
Du Wendong from the Institute of Psychology, University of Nanjing said there were no suicides that occurred in the university since 1985. At that time, the government began using the traditional Chinese method of acupuncture
Facts acupuncture treatment for stroke
TECHNIQUE known acupuncture treatment was not effective in stroke patients petrified. The conclusion was obtained from the latest research results.
It turned out to get results, the research conducted by 10 research phase involving 711 patients stroke patients who had undergone acupuncture treatment. According to the chairman of the study, most patients showed that the acupuncture technique
It turned out to get results, the research conducted by 10 research phase involving 711 patients stroke patients who had undergone acupuncture treatment. According to the chairman of the study, most patients showed that the acupuncture technique
Overcome stress
One of the secret recipe for a long and healthy life is to make sure that you do not let circumstances control your stress. There are many people who followed the exercises to relieve their stress, such as yoga, meditation or regular massage.
There is one proven to work techniques that anyone can do it anytime, but not much use.
Due to the fact that breathing is something that happens
There is one proven to work techniques that anyone can do it anytime, but not much use.
Due to the fact that breathing is something that happens
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How to let your body slim
For those of you who are having problems with your weight, you need not worry to lose your weight. There are many ways to lose weight, ranging from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction surgery, acupuncture, to take medicine slimming. Which is safe and effective?
Referring to the UN health agency, WHO, noted that a good weight loss can not be done instantly, but it is a long-term
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Benefits of water
Millennial Health Benefits of Water for Human Body Although outgoing, involved very closely every day, did not stop much too secret excellence that overlooked the water, this water was very much usefulness. And it turns out, our reliance on water repellent is not limited to mere thirst. Bathing twice a day and wash your hair at least once every three days late is highly recommended health
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Obat herbal untuk sakit kepala kita
Bila Anda merasa bahwa mengonsumsi aspirin adalah satu-satunya cara mengusir sakit kepala atau pusing yang mengganggu, sebaiknya anda berhentilah. berikut ada obat herbal untuk sakit kepala:
Feverfew. Tanaman yang mempunyai bau mirip jeruk nipis ini merupakan antiperadangan dan bekerja seperti ibuprofen. Tumbuhan semak dari keluarga asteraceae ini sangat populer sebagai herbal untuk mengatasi migrain. Selain itu, herbal ini juga diyakini bisa menghambat zat-zat kimia penyebab ketegangan pembuluh darah di kepala. Sebuah studi menemukan, 2/3 dari pasien migrain sembuh setelah menggunakan feverfew secara teratur. Untuk menjamin tingkat keamanan dan menentukan dosis yang tepat, ada baiknya berkonsultasi dulu dengan dokter.

- Peppermint. Herbal satu ini telah digunakan selama ratusan tahun untuk mengatasi sakit kepala. Semua bagian tanaman ini, mulai dari kandungan minyak, flavonoid, phenolic acids, dan triterpenes bisa digunakan sebagai obat. Studi pertama mengenai manfaat peppermint dipublikasikan pada 1879. Publikasi ini didukung oleh penemuan berikutnya di Jerman pada 1996. Studi ini menemukan, cairan ethanol yang mengandung 10% minyak peppermint sama efektifnya dengan 1.000 miligram acetaminophen dalam meredakan sakit kepala. Studi lain menemukan, 32 partisipan yang menggosokkan minyak peppermint di ubun-ubun mengalami pengurangan rasa sakit yang signifikan.
- Cobalah menggosokkan atau memijatkan minyak peppermint ke ubun-ubun, turun ke kening, dan ke belakang leher. Cara ini dinyatakan efektif meredakan sakit kepala akibat gangguan pencernaan dan migrain dengan cara menimbulkan efek dingin pada kulit dan merilekskan otot-otot cranial. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menggunakan teh peppermint untuk meredakan migrain. Caranya, tuangkan satu cangkir air mendidih ke dalam wadah yang berisi 1-2 sendok teh daun peppermint kering, kemudian tutup dan biarkan selama 10 menit. Saringlah campuran sebelum diminum. Untuk meredakan migrain, minumlah 1-2 cangkir teh peppermint dingin setiap hari.
- Passionflower. Herbal satu ini bersifat menenangkan. Mengonsumsi teh passionflower sebelum waktu tidur bisa membantu Anda mendapatkan tidur yang lebih nyenyak. Satu percobaan klinis menemukan kalau herbal ini bisa menurunkan tingkat kecemasan. Selain itu, passionflower juga diyakini mengandung antiperadangan dan penghilang rasa sakit, sehingga sangat bagus untuk migrain. Dosis yang dianjurkan sebanyak 4-8 gram herbal kering 3 kali sehari. Untuk membuat teh, Anda bisa menyeduh 0.5-2.5 gram passionflower ke dalam air mendidih selama 15 menit dan diminum 2-3 kali sehari.
- Ginko biloba. Daun ginko biloba merupakan herbal yang populer untuk meredakan sakit kepala. Herbal ini bisa memperlancar aliran darah, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk sakit kepala yang dipicu oleh gangguan sirkulasi. Beberapa studi yang dilakukan para peneliti dari Perancis menemukan, herbal in efektif meredakan sakit kepala vaskular (migrain, sakit kepala berantai, dan sakit kepala akibat mabuk). Salah stau studi bahkan menyebutkan kalau ginko bisa mengurangi migrain hingga 80%. Tapi, herbal ini bisa menimbulkan efek samping jika digunakan dengan obat sakit kepala seperti aspirin dan lithium. Karena itu, ada baiknya berkonsultasi dulu dengan dokter.
- Cabe merah. Cabe merah mengandung komponen capsaicin, yang diyakini meningkatkan daya tahan terhadap rasa sakit. Cabe merah dinyatakan efektif meredakan sakit kepala berantai (cluster headaches), dan umum digunakan dalam bentuk semprot hidung (nasal spray). Sebuah studi yang meminta partisipan menggosokkan obat yang mengandung capsaicin di bagian dalam dan luar hidung menemukan kalau pasien mengalami pengurangan 75% rasa sakit dan frekuensi sakit kepala, dalam waktu 5 hari.
- Chamomile. Herbal ini mengandung antiperadangan dan komponen penghilang rasa sakit yang bisa membantu meredakan ketegangan emosional. Karena itu, herbal ini cocok untuk membantu sakit kepala akibat ketegangan. Chamomile bisa ditemukan dalam bentuk teh siap seduh.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tip-tip sehat bagi kita
Bagi kita yang mengerti tentang kesehatan maka kesehatan atau kebugaran bukan hanya sebatas fisik, tetapi juga mental Anda harus tetap sehat agar tetap semangat beraktivitas. Karena itu perhatikan diri luar dan dalam. Caranya, simak tips berikut.
1. Makan teratur dan jaga kebugaran Anda
Secara rutin, makanan sehat dan olahraga ringan dapat menyebabkan perubahan yang cukup banyak pada mood Anda. Anda akan merasa lebih berenergi dan bisa menjaga diri sendiri. Ada keuntungan tambahan dari terlihat bugar dan bahagia yaitu meningkatnya rasa percaya diri.
2. Lakukan sesuatu yang Anda sukai
Buatlah daftar hal-hal yang Anda nikmati dalam hidup. Tidak masalah bila itu tampak tidak beraturan pada awalnya. Mulailah untuk melakukannya satu persatu dari hal terkecil setiap hari. Dan raihlah hal-hal besar nantinya. Hobi atau ketertarikan yang bisa menyerap seluruh minat itu bagus, walaupun mungkin saja hanya dilakukan satu jam seminggu. Tapi jangan terlalu berlebihan sampai-sampai Anda tak punya waktu untuk hal yang lain.
3. Cari teman yang banyak
Seseorang yang pemalu juga bisa memiliki kehidupan sosial yang aktif, cobalah bergaul. Temui orang baru dan ingat, teman yang baik belum tentu harus satu pikiran dengan Anda. Hindari orang yang merugikan Anda setiap waktu dan tidak pernah berterima kasih atas support yang sudah Anda berikan. Cari komunitas baru yang bisa membuat Anda tertawa dan terinspirasi.
4. Pelajari bagaimana mengendalikan stress
Jangan takut akan tantangan. Tantangan itulah yang akan membantu Anda mengembangkan kepercayaan diri. Mengatasi stress bukan berarti harus pasif dan terus berdiam diri. Untuk membantu, baca buku-buku self-help atau browsing ke internet tentang cara-cara menyenangkan untuk mengatasi stress.
5. Jadikan diri Anda berarti
Semua orang pasti punya nilai lebih. Tak ada yang bisa membuat diri Anda merasa tidak berharga kecuali Anda sendiri. Anda pasti punya kelebihan yang Anda tidak sadari. Coba pikirkan apa kelebihan Anda dan buat daftar tertulisnya. Tanpa disadari daftar Anda pasti cukup panjang. Ingat terus isi daftar tersebut.
6. Hindari lingkaran kesedihan
Jujurlah akan perasaan Anda. Tapi jangan sampai terjebak dalam kesedihan dan menceritakannya pada orang lain secara berlebihan. Hal itu akan membuat Anda terlihat menyedihkan. Hindari terduduk diam tanpa melakukan apapun seharian, apalagi bila Anda sedang merasa tidak bergairah. Coba untuk tetap sibuk atau lakukan sesuatu yang membuat Anda rileks.
Dan bagi anda yang sehari-hari di depan komputer sebaiknya membaca tip-tip berikut:
Berikut adalah dua belas tips sehat berkomputer yang saya dapat dari ebook internet sehat 2010. Selengkapnya anda bisa download di sini.
1. Makan teratur dan jaga kebugaran Anda
Secara rutin, makanan sehat dan olahraga ringan dapat menyebabkan perubahan yang cukup banyak pada mood Anda. Anda akan merasa lebih berenergi dan bisa menjaga diri sendiri. Ada keuntungan tambahan dari terlihat bugar dan bahagia yaitu meningkatnya rasa percaya diri.
2. Lakukan sesuatu yang Anda sukai
Buatlah daftar hal-hal yang Anda nikmati dalam hidup. Tidak masalah bila itu tampak tidak beraturan pada awalnya. Mulailah untuk melakukannya satu persatu dari hal terkecil setiap hari. Dan raihlah hal-hal besar nantinya. Hobi atau ketertarikan yang bisa menyerap seluruh minat itu bagus, walaupun mungkin saja hanya dilakukan satu jam seminggu. Tapi jangan terlalu berlebihan sampai-sampai Anda tak punya waktu untuk hal yang lain.
3. Cari teman yang banyak
Seseorang yang pemalu juga bisa memiliki kehidupan sosial yang aktif, cobalah bergaul. Temui orang baru dan ingat, teman yang baik belum tentu harus satu pikiran dengan Anda. Hindari orang yang merugikan Anda setiap waktu dan tidak pernah berterima kasih atas support yang sudah Anda berikan. Cari komunitas baru yang bisa membuat Anda tertawa dan terinspirasi.
4. Pelajari bagaimana mengendalikan stress
Jangan takut akan tantangan. Tantangan itulah yang akan membantu Anda mengembangkan kepercayaan diri. Mengatasi stress bukan berarti harus pasif dan terus berdiam diri. Untuk membantu, baca buku-buku self-help atau browsing ke internet tentang cara-cara menyenangkan untuk mengatasi stress.
5. Jadikan diri Anda berarti
Semua orang pasti punya nilai lebih. Tak ada yang bisa membuat diri Anda merasa tidak berharga kecuali Anda sendiri. Anda pasti punya kelebihan yang Anda tidak sadari. Coba pikirkan apa kelebihan Anda dan buat daftar tertulisnya. Tanpa disadari daftar Anda pasti cukup panjang. Ingat terus isi daftar tersebut.
6. Hindari lingkaran kesedihan
Jujurlah akan perasaan Anda. Tapi jangan sampai terjebak dalam kesedihan dan menceritakannya pada orang lain secara berlebihan. Hal itu akan membuat Anda terlihat menyedihkan. Hindari terduduk diam tanpa melakukan apapun seharian, apalagi bila Anda sedang merasa tidak bergairah. Coba untuk tetap sibuk atau lakukan sesuatu yang membuat Anda rileks.
Dan bagi anda yang sehari-hari di depan komputer sebaiknya membaca tip-tip berikut:
Berikut adalah dua belas tips sehat berkomputer yang saya dapat dari ebook internet sehat 2010. Selengkapnya anda bisa download di sini.
- Gunakan kursi yang secara dinamis dapat diatur tinggi-rendah dan senderan punggungnya.
- Posisi monitor bagian paling atas setidaknya setinggi 5-8 cm di atas arah pandang mata.
- Untuk menghindari efek silau dari layar monitor, bisa gunakan filter atau pelindung anti-silau.
- Duduklah dengan jarak sekitar satu rentangan tangan dari monitor.
- Kaki harus dapat menjejak pada lantai atau pada pijakan kaki yang stabil.
- Jika menggunakanalat pemegang/penjepit dokumen, tingginya samakan dengan layar monitor
- Antara siku dan pergelangan tangan sejajar dan lurus saat menggunakan keyboard / mouse.
- Lengan dan siku berada dalam posisi santai dekat dengan tubuh Anda.
- Monitor dan keyboard posisikan di tengah hadapan Anda.
- Gunakan keyboard yang memiliki bagian pengungkit di bawahnya untuk mengatur posisi.
- Gunakan alas kerja atau meja yang stabil dan tidak goyah.
- Sesekali lakukan istirahat pendek dengan berdiri, perenggangan dan melihat arah lain. Atau lakukan senam ringan sekali-kali.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
How to Find Information on Natural Remedies
Are you interested in using natural remedies to your advantage? If you are suffering from pain associated with a headache, toothache, or arthritis, you may be. Home remedies can also provide assistance with those looking to kill head lice, remove an unsightly wart, and so much more. In fact, that is one of the reasons why home remedies are so popular, because they can be used to treat, cure,
Natural Remedies for Depression
Do you find ever find yourself feeling depressed? If so, you may be looking for relief. Depression is a medical condition that can be mentally and emotionally draining. Those who have depression with dangerous and deadly thoughts, such as suicide, are urged to speak with a medical professional immediately. However, if you only find yourself feeling down or depressed on occasion, you may want
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Do you believe that you are suffering from menopause? If you are, you should know that you are not alone. As uncomfortable and as life altering as many of the menopause symptoms can be, it is a natural occurrence that many women experience, typically around the age of forty. As hard as it can be for some women to associate menopause with good news, there is. That good news is that it is
Friday, August 13, 2010
Choosing The Right Vitamin Supplement
Millions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encourage good health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, minerals and herbs flooding the market these days, it's sometimes difficult to know what to choose.
The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplements are not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich whole foods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in
The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplements are not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich whole foods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in
Bone Up on Your Calcium And Fiber Knowledge
For many Americans, getting the recommended daily amount of nutrients can be challenging - particularly when it comes to dietary fiber and calcium.
The National Academy of Sciences and the National Osteoporosis Foundation report that adult men and women require a daily calcium intake of 1,000 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams a day, the equivalent of four 8-ounce glasses of milk, to ensure good
The National Academy of Sciences and the National Osteoporosis Foundation report that adult men and women require a daily calcium intake of 1,000 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams a day, the equivalent of four 8-ounce glasses of milk, to ensure good
Bone Up On Vitamin D
Weak, fragile bones and susceptibility to fractures-these are some of the painful consequences of the debilitating bone disease, osteoporosis. Currently, 10 million people suffer from osteoporosis in the United States and another 34 million are at risk of developing the disease. The Surgeon General has named osteoporosis a national health threat and estimated that by 2020 one in two Americans
Best Vitamin Supplements
Most people want to improve their health, particularly if they can do it easily. Since the way modern food is processed can destroy nutrients, many people choose to supplement their diets by taking vitamin pills. What are the best vitamin supplements to maximize health? Here is a suggested list.
Always consult your physician before you start taking vitamins. Your medical advisor is the only
Always consult your physician before you start taking vitamins. Your medical advisor is the only
Benefits Of Vitamin E
Oxygen is one of the primary components of nature that supports life. The same oxygen, when inside the body, through certain molecules, becomes overly reactive and starts causing damage through the formation of free radicals. This is called oxidative stress. Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, helps prevent oxidative stress, thereby preventing cell damage and aging of the cells.
The body absorbs
The body absorbs
Body Building Supplements
Bodybuilding supplements consists of various substances including proteins and amino acids, metal replacement products, prohormones, testosterone boosters and are taken by boy builders and sports persons to help building muscle or supplement fat loss. These bodybuilding supplements are also suitable for improving sports performance.
Amino acids, Branched chain amino acids, glutamine and protein
Amino acids, Branched chain amino acids, glutamine and protein
Benefits Of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a safe, reliable and inexpensive vitamin. For health-conscious individuals, a regular intake of a prescribed amount of vitamin B12 is a key element for preserving a balance in the human body. B12 could be obtained from food sources or could be taken in the form of supplements orally or via injections.
In combination with other B-group vitamins, vitamin B12 ensures the smooth
In combination with other B-group vitamins, vitamin B12 ensures the smooth
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Nourishing our Body, Nourishing our Spirit
Many times our choice to become vegetarian isn’t only for health, environmental, or economical reasons, but also spiritual. There is a heartfelt connection between vegetarianism and the deeper side of nourishment. We must learn to nourish ourselves not only physically, but also spiritually.
The subject of nutrition is not simply a question of the food we eat at meals. Besides nutrients, foods
The subject of nutrition is not simply a question of the food we eat at meals. Besides nutrients, foods
The Environmental Costs of Factory Farming and Ranching
Long ago, eating meat was a good source of nutrition, since the use of hormones, pesticides and mass production methods was as yet unheard of. A family raised and processed their own livestock. Every morning the large golden eggs were plucked from the chicken’s nests, which were lovingly cared for and fed healthy pesticide-free grains..
Today's factory farms use everything, but in the process
Today's factory farms use everything, but in the process
Variety in your New Vegetarian Diet
You’ve weighed your options carefully, studied the pros and the cons, and decided that the vegetarian lifestyle is right for you. But where do you start making the changes? Do you go ‘cold turkey?’ Do you adopt a more gradual approach to transitioning to vegetarianism? However you choose to make the change, you can begin to achieve the health benefits of vegetarianism by significantly cutting
Remembering the Reasons for a Vegetarian Season
Christmas is a season of peace, love and harmony. It’s a time that brings families and friends together to reconnect and find comfort and happiness being together. It’s also about respect for fellow man, appreciating and embracing one another’s differences. Take some time over the holiday season to reflect on the reasons for your choice to become vegetarian, and enforce your commitment and
Tips for a Tasty Vegetarian Thanksgiving
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving at your house and are expecting vegetarian guests this year, don’t worry about preparing one large meat eating meal, and another separate vegetarian meal. Most vegetarians do not require a ‘meat equivalent’ at Thanksgiving. Yes, traditionally Thanksgiving has largely about the food. But more importantly it’s about family, togetherness, happiness and peace. And if
Veggies Take Center State at your 4th of July Cookout
Your annual 4th of July cookout is quickly approaching. Whether you’re expecting vegetarian guests, you’ve newly transitioned to vegetarianism yourself, or you’d just like to incorporate more meatless recipes to give some variety to your cookout menu, there are all kind of ways to prepare meatless options.
Before beginning, remember that most vegetarian foods are more fragile than meat, and do
Before beginning, remember that most vegetarian foods are more fragile than meat, and do
Tips for a Vibrant Vegetarian Holiday Filled with Variety
Planning a beautiful yet nutrient-dense, delicious holiday meal for both your meat eating and vegetarian guests can be a little daunting at first, but it can also bring out your creativity! Many side dishes you make can be easily made vegetarian, with little difference in taste.
The first step in planning accordingly would be to find out which of your guests are vegetarian, and what kind of
The first step in planning accordingly would be to find out which of your guests are vegetarian, and what kind of
Ideas for Adding some Variety to your Vegetarian Lifestyle
When you’re planning a healthy vegetarian diet, you’re only limited by your imagination. It’s important to incorporate a wide variety of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits in different meals, including seeds and nuts. Variety is the spice of life, and it will help ensure your vegetarian diet is nutrient-dense, interesting, and fun! Aim for variety, even when you serve favorite entrees
Sample Menu Items for your Growing Vegetarian Toddler
Vegetarian child. The term almost sounds like an oxymoron we’ve joked about through the years, like jumbo shrimp. The words just don’t seem to go together! It's not as unnatural as it may sound. Actually, kids are almost natural vegetarians. It’s imperative that you offer your growing vegetarian child a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and soy based proteins to ensure
Putting your Vegetarian Toddler on the Fast Track to Health
Though many people have the idea that feeding a toddler a vegetarian diet isn’t safe, so long as parents take care to make sure that all the appropriate nutrients are met, it’s actually quite healthy. Some benefits to a lifelong, proper vegetarian diet include a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
The main problem with vegetarianism and toddler nutrition is
The main problem with vegetarianism and toddler nutrition is
Variety is the Spice of your Vegetarian Child’s Diet
Eating habits are set in early childhood. Choosing a vegetarian diet can give your child—and your whole family—the opportunity to learn to enjoy a variety of wonderful, nutritious foods. Offer your child a wide variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and soy products, keep it simple and make it fun, and they’ll learn good eating habits that will last them a lifetime.
Children raised
Children raised
What to Feed your Vegetarian Baby
It goes without saying that the earliest food for any baby, including a vegan baby, is breast milk. It benefits your baby’s immune system, offers protection against infection, and reduces the risk of allergies. Be especially careful that you are getting enough vitamin B-12 when breastfeeding. Also, ensure your infant receives at least 30 minutes of sunlight exposure per week to stimulate the body
Sample Vegetarian Diet Including Essential Fatty Acids to Promote Healing
Fats are an essential part of any well-balanced diet, including a vegetarian diet. Fats are made of smaller units - called fatty acids. These fatty acids may be saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Saturated and monounsaturated fats are not necessary in a vegetarian diet as they can be made in the human body. However, two polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic acid (omega 6) and
The Healing Effects a Vegetarian Diet has on your Post-Baby Body
The breastfeeding vegetarian diet doesn’t vary all that much from the pregnancy vegetarian diet. Protein recommendations are the same, vitamin B-12 recommendations are higher, and the recommendations for iron and calories are lower than during pregnancy. But the key in ensuring your healthy vegetarian diet is also helping you recover from the stresses of giving birth and taking care of your
Going Vegetarian during your Pregnancy
Now that you’re pregnant, you’re wondering if your decision to become vegetarian can still be carried out successfully during your pregnancy. And while it is possible for you to obtain all the nutrients your body will need during pregnancy through a well-planned, nutrient-dense vegetarian diet, careful planning and observation will be crucial to your overall success transitioning to
Sample Daily Menu for Pregnant Vegetarians
Though your nutritional needs increase now that you’re pregnant, your pregnancy vegetarian diet shouldn’t have to change all that much. With some careful planning to ensure your caloric, vitamin, and mineral needs are met, you can still enjoy a rich variety of nutrient-dense delicious foods and help give your baby a nutritious jump-start. Consider the following daily menu for ideas and
The Special Needs of the Pregnant Vegetarian
It’s apparent that your nutritional needs increase when you are pregnant. However, you only need approximately 300 more calories than normal during this time, so it’s imperative that you make wise food choices and eat nutrient-dense food.
A good start is to ensure that you’re eating plenty of protein. Your need for protein increases about 30 percent during pregnancy, but most vegetarian women
A good start is to ensure that you’re eating plenty of protein. Your need for protein increases about 30 percent during pregnancy, but most vegetarian women
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
All About Carbohydrates
Normally carbohydrates are found in all foods except meat products. Recently, some diets have recommended stripping out all carbohydrates from what you eat. Many companies have bought into this and among other things, have introduced low-carb breads. Limiting bad carbohydrates such as sugar from your diet is a positive step but going further and refusing to eat fruits and whole grains can
Advices about Diet to Reduce Rheumatic Pain and Inflammatory Conditions
Inflammation is a major component in most Rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases, therefore it is adviceable to eat a good amount of food that reduces inflammation and reduce the consumption of food that contains inflammatory agents. Here are some simple dietary advices that may help reduce rheumatic conditions:
Fish, espesially fat fish, fish
Fish, espesially fat fish, fish
Addictive Foods and their Harmful Consequences
Most of us are fond of at least one product that has the effect of a stimulant and that eventually becomes an addiction. These products include exercise stimulant drinks (they come in cans and look like cola), fizzy aerated drinks, tobacco, betel nut, betel leaf, strong coffee, strong tea, mahuang (an ephedrine-like compound consumed in china), and alcohol.
Before I tell you why we shouldn’t
Before I tell you why we shouldn’t
Acid Vs Alkaline Diet
Our body’s internal system needs a PH of just above 7.0; our immunologic, enzymatic and repair mechanisms all function at their best in this alkaline range.
If our body becomes over acidic, i.e. under a PH of 7, you may start to experience a combination of these symptoms;
Low energy, fatigue
Nasal congestion
Muscle Pain
Weak nails, dry skin, dry hair
Frequent colds, flu and infection
If our body becomes over acidic, i.e. under a PH of 7, you may start to experience a combination of these symptoms;
Low energy, fatigue
Nasal congestion
Muscle Pain
Weak nails, dry skin, dry hair
Frequent colds, flu and infection
About Omega 3 Fish oils
Question: What’s all the fuss about Omega 3 fish oils? What do they do for my body?
Answer: Omega 3 fish oils are a substance that can be found in the bodies of fish. However, eating fresh fish is no longer recommended. The mercury levels that are prevalent in almost all fresh fish these days can be very detrimental to your health. However, companies have manufactured fish oil that is mercury
Answer: Omega 3 fish oils are a substance that can be found in the bodies of fish. However, eating fresh fish is no longer recommended. The mercury levels that are prevalent in almost all fresh fish these days can be very detrimental to your health. However, companies have manufactured fish oil that is mercury
A Practical Approach To Healthy Eating
I have been doing push-ups five days a week for over 25 years. My arms are pretty strong but it did not happen overnight. I did not do push-ups for a couple weeks or months and then stopped. I had to make push-ups a habit if I wanted to continuously get the results I have.
Exactly the same holds true with healthy eating. You will never be healthy, eating healthy foods occasionally. You have to
Exactly the same holds true with healthy eating. You will never be healthy, eating healthy foods occasionally. You have to
A Nutritious Diet while Traveling
Sticking to a nutritious diet while traveling can be one of the more difficult things to do. However, if you learn how to make smart choices, a healthy diet is really not that difficult. It’s probably not the best time in which to start a healthy diet, but if you are currently making healthy choices in your foods already, modifying your diet slightly to accommodate travel, is not as difficult as
A Juicy, Fun Way To Take Your Vitamins
While kids want great taste, you want to give them the vitamins, minerals and fiber their growing bodies need. Serve watermelon and you can both be happy.
Watermelon is a fun, nutritious way to make sure active kids don't get dehydrated; it's 92 percent water.
A two-cup serving of watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C, and it provides 7 percent of the recommended daily
Watermelon is a fun, nutritious way to make sure active kids don't get dehydrated; it's 92 percent water.
A two-cup serving of watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C, and it provides 7 percent of the recommended daily
A Healthy Guide to Good Nutrition
Whether you are at your ideal weight or striving to reach your weight goal is it simply a matter of burning more calories than you take in? The answer, I suggest, is no! Overall body health improvement as well as weight gain or loss must be factored in to the equation or you could be heading for problems. Correct nutrition can help to reduce the risk of a miriad of health-related problems, the
"Correct Your Acid / Alkaline Balance with the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say"
In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid /alkaline imbalance. Let's see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance.
The problem Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress -- both psychological and from pollution. Acids can build up in our body, causing
The problem Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress -- both psychological and from pollution. Acids can build up in our body, causing
Thyme is a very popular and well known culinary herb. It is a very decorative plant while it is growing and is also very easy to grow as well but be prepared because bees just love Thyme. Many people use Thyme in stews, salads, meats, soups, and vegetables. Thyme is a very common household herb and is a member of the mint family. The plant is very aromatic and comes in many varieties. Thyme is a
Sage is a relative to the mint family. It is common for Sage to be ground, whole or rubbed but is generally in more of a coarse grain. Sage is grown in the United States but is also grown in Albania and Dalmatia. Sage is a very popular herb in the United States and is used quite frequently for flavoring such things s sausage, pork, lamb, and other meats, salads, pickles, cheese, and stuffing. The
Tarragon is a relative to the Sunflower family and there are two different breeds of Tarragon, Russian and French. However, when you go shopping and pick up some Tarragon for your pantry or a favorite recipe it is almost guaranteed that you have just selected the dried leaves of the Tarragon plant because that is what is most often used and sold for commercial purposes.
Tarragon has a somewhat
Tarragon has a somewhat
Rosemary is a relative to the mint family and the name is derived from its Latin origin to mean "dew of the sea." Rosemary is very common in Mediterranean cuisine and has somewhat of a bitter astringent taste to it. While that is true it compliments oily foods very nicely. A tisane can be made from the Rosemary leaves and that is also very popular when cooking.
First it is burned and then added
First it is burned and then added
When it comes to herbs, traditions have changed, varieties have increased, but through it all, Parsley has just stayed Parsley, flat or curly leaf, nothing major and no need for change. Use it as an herb or use it as a garnish, it does not matter people still love it. Often used fresh or dried, fresh is more popular and has very easy access when purchasing it or growing it. Storing it is simple,
If someone says Oregano, it is likely that you will think in terms of cuisine. You would be right as most people do think of Oregano is sauces and so forth. However, there are actual medicinal properties to Oregano as well. Oregano makes a luscious cup of savory tea that works well for gas, indigestion, bloating, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial problems, headaches, and swollen glands and to
Marjoram is the dried leaves from an herbal plant called the Origanium hortensis. The name Marjoram is a Greek word that means "Joy of the Mountain." Ancient Greeks believed that if Marjoram grew on a grave that person would enjoy eternal happiness. The taste of Marjoram is a bit sweeter than that of Oregano. Many people believe that Marjoram is, in part, a species of Oregano. Marjoram is a
Gypsywort is an herbal plant that but has no culinary purposes at all but rather is used for industrial and medicinal purposes. This plant originated in Europe and Northwest Asia. Gypsywort's most important properties come from the stem and the leaves. These were used for the astringents, sedatives, anxiety, tuberculosis, and heart palpitations. Industrially, Gypsywort was extremely beneficial in
Golden Seal
Golden Seal is a perennial herb that is part of the Buttercup family. Golden Seal is used for a lot of medicinal purposes in a variety of ways both topically as well as internally. There are actually quite a few ways to purchase Golden Seal, in a bulk powder, salve, tincture, or a tablet. Internally it is a great digestion aid and if gargled with it has been known to remove canker sores.
Out of all of the herbal supplements on the market today, Ginseng is the most widely used. In earlier times Ginseng went by a different name, "man root." because the root resembled that of the shape of a man. To this day many people believe in the powers of Ginseng as they believe that it has healing and mystical powers. The Ancient Chinese thought that when a plant resembles a human body part
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo is one of the oldest tree species that are alive and the leaves are one of the most studied leaves in clinical settings today. Ginkgo Biloba is an herbal form of medicine and in Europe and The United States is one of the biggest sellers. Many traditional medicines contain Ginkgo and are used for enhancing memory and to treat circulatory disorders. Scientific studies all support and
Since farther back than anyone can remember Frankincense has been used for medicinal and religious purposes. Early Egyptians used Frankincense as part of their embalming process, the Greeks used it as an antidote to hemlock poisoning, and the Chinese used it for trading as well as for internal and external purposes. Today, Frankincense is used mostly for aroma therapeutics but many have also
Eucalyptus is an aromatic herb that has properties that provide great relief as a decongestant and an expectorant. For centuries Vick's which is made as a Eucalyptus rub is applied to the back and chest of a person who has a common cold or any other respiratory distress. It is known to loosen the mucus in the chest so that it can be coughed up and expelled.
Eucalyptus also has some antibiotic
Eucalyptus also has some antibiotic
Echinacea is an herb that is extremely effective and holds multiple purposes. There are nine different species of Echinacea but the one most commonly used and referred to is the Echinacea purpurea. Many people take Echinacea everyday to prevent colds, flu, and any other types of infections that might be running rapid at the time as Echinacea has been known for strengthening the immune system.
The Dandelion is an herbaceous plant that really is much more than just a nuisance in your yard. For all purposes, the Dandelion leaves are at their best just as they emerge from the ground and they are very distinct as nothing really resembles this at all. Depending on when you harvest the Dandelion leaves will determine the bitterness of them but it is an appealing bitterness.
These leaves
These leaves
Cloves are definitely one of the most distinct herbs around but ironically enough, cloves have been around forever and are not finished doing business just yet. Usually if you can not get your hands on some cloves, Allspice can be a substitute. Cloves have some preservative properties to them but they work well as an antiseptic, expectorant, anesthetic, or an emmenogogue, working well on the
Cilantro is a very fast growing herb which can be grown just about anywhere. It is a relative of the carrot family and is sometimes called Chinese parsley and Coriander. Cilantro actually is the leaves and stems of the Coriander plant.
It has a very strong unique odor and is relied on heavily for Mexican, Asian, and Caribbean cuisine. Cilantro also resembles Parsley which is not surprising since
It has a very strong unique odor and is relied on heavily for Mexican, Asian, and Caribbean cuisine. Cilantro also resembles Parsley which is not surprising since
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Losing Weight and Green Tea, The Relation
A lot of people are suffering from health problems these days. If you're one of them, perhaps you've already taken the necessary steps in order to shed some pounds off. Admit it, It's hard to follow diet plans especially with so many temptations around you.
Drinking plain water everyday may have tempted you to drink fizzy sodas instead without even thinking that these sodas contain a lot of
Drinking plain water everyday may have tempted you to drink fizzy sodas instead without even thinking that these sodas contain a lot of
Fight Stress With Healthy Eating
Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend to make poor food choices that will actually increase stress and cause other problems. To get the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress, follow these simple tips.
Always eat breakfastEven though you may think you aren't hungry, you need to eat something. Skipping breakfast makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and sugar levels
Always eat breakfastEven though you may think you aren't hungry, you need to eat something. Skipping breakfast makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and sugar levels
Nutrition For The Elderly
Healthy eating and nutrition for the elderly is greatly impacted by several factors, one of them being a change in body composition. During the later years in life, the body will lose bone and muscle and gain fat because the hormones aren't very active anymore. There are many factors which hinder an elderly person's health. The information below will help you to lead a healthy life - no matter
Healthy Breakfast Ideas
A lot of studies and research has shown that kids who eat breakfast perform better in school and have a healthier diet. Eating breakfast will help promote the proper growth and maximize school performance as well. Breakfast is often times a victim of the morning time crunch. Even though you may be tempted to skip breakfast, you can simplify your morning routine by following these 8 tips :
Why People Become Vegetarians
Many nonvegetarians wonder what drives vegetarians to give up meat and adopt an entirely different lifestyle. There is no single answer to this question. Nonvegetarians become vegetarians for a number of different reasons - some even for multiple reasons.
Most vegetarians claim that they became a vegetarian for one of three reasons.
The first reason, which most vegetarians claim, is that they
Most vegetarians claim that they became a vegetarian for one of three reasons.
The first reason, which most vegetarians claim, is that they
Eating A Healthful Vegetarian Diet
Many people start vegetarian and vegan diets without devoting an adequate amount of time to nutritional research and meal planning. As a result, a considerable amount of people who start vegetarian diets do not lastfor more than 1-2 months.
Many dieters who fail to carefully research and plan complain that they lack energy - and often experience a significant loss in muscle mass. Others observe
Many dieters who fail to carefully research and plan complain that they lack energy - and often experience a significant loss in muscle mass. Others observe
Three Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet
While many people lament the nutritional disadvantages of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional advantages of becoming a vegetarian.
The first major advantage of a vegetarian diet is increased heart health. Vegetarians, on average, consume more nuts (often as a
The first major advantage of a vegetarian diet is increased heart health. Vegetarians, on average, consume more nuts (often as a
Monday, August 9, 2010
Women, Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome : How Exercise Can Help
Some women are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes because of a syndrome that often goes undiagnosed: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, affects between six and ten percent of women who are of childbearing age. One of the symptoms of PCOS is often excess weight gain, with that weight carried around the abdomen. Reducing the risks of developing type 2 diabetes
Chamomile for many ailments
Chamomile is an herb that has been used for thousands of years for many ailments including gas, diarrhea, stomach upset, sleeplessness, and anxiety. It can also be used topically for certain skin lesions. The Chamomile plant has flowering tops and these are what are used for making tea and other herbal remedies that include Chamomile.
When Chamomile tops are stewed and then drained
When Chamomile tops are stewed and then drained
Catnip - a perennial herb of the mint family
"Catnip" is the common name for a perennial herb of the mint family. Catnip is native to Europe and is imported into the United States. In North America it is a common widespread weed. Catnip is most popular with cats and the reaction that it causes in them when they receive some dried nip from their owner. They roll around in it in all of their glory. The fact is that humans do not smell what
Burdock is a plant that is related to the daisy family. It is also closely related to Echinacea, Dandelion, and Feverfew. Burdock is an herb but it is one that has been much neglected when it comes to getting attention. Back in ancient times the Greeks used the roots, the seeds, and the greens and used them for healing purposes. Throughout the Middle Ages Burdock was used for both food and
Belladonna is not an herb that you are going to want to stock your pantry with. While it has its benefits, this is an herb that can be very dangerous and sometimes even fatal. It has some medicinal properties to it and has an interesting history but it can be very dangerous. The nickname "deadly nightshade" is a good clue of its potency. There is however a tincture that comes from this plant that
Originally, Basil was not the most popular herb in the bunch. Actually there were some who simply hated it, mainly the ancient people. The name basil means "be fragrant" but still various cultures battled with a love hate relationship over basil. Americans and Romans loved it while Hindus plant it in their homes as a sign of happiness. On the contrary it was the Greeks who despised it most but
Balsam of Tolu
Balsam of Tolu is an herb that comes from a very tall tree that can be found in Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. This herbal plant has also been called Balsam of Peru because it was originally exported primarily from Peru but that is no longer the case. The resin of this tree is what is most valuable and is retrieved in the same fashion that one collects the
Asafoetida - herbal plant
Asafoetida has been also referred to as the "Food of the Gods." The main part of this plant that is used is the resin which makes up a volatile oil. The history of this herb is amazing as it was used frequently back in time by Alexander the Great for flavoring. That was back in 4 B.C. still in early times, Asafoetida was used to treat gas and the bloating associated with it. Carrying through time
Alfalfa - a perennial herb
Alfalfa, which is a perennial herb, has a long list of dietary and medicinal uses and research has proven that Alfalfa might lower blood levels of cholesterol and glucose. Many take Alfalfa supplements orally and is has been proven safe except in a small percentage of people where it produces lupus like symptoms. In the seeds and sprouts of Alfalfa, amino acid L-canavanine is present and that is
10 Diet Rules You Can Break
There are actually diet rules out there that are meant to be broken? Yes, recently many dated diet guidelines and myths are up for speculation. You’ve probably heard all these silly rules before, but experts weigh-in on the worthiness of these supposed truisms - most of which won't help you lose weight or make dieting any easier.
10 Food Rules You Can Ignore:
1. Eating at night will pile on
10 Food Rules You Can Ignore:
1. Eating at night will pile on
8 Ways You Get Great Results With Glyconutrients
1- Drink Pure Spring Water. As an absolute minimum, take your body weight in lbs, divide by 2 & drink that many ounces of Pure Spring Water everyday so that your cells get 'bathed' in a bath of Glyconutrients. For example a 120lb woman would drink a minimum of 60 oz of pure spring water per day.
2- Consume Fiber. Using a high-quality fiber supplement or eating a diet very high in fiber & in raw
2- Consume Fiber. Using a high-quality fiber supplement or eating a diet very high in fiber & in raw
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil
It is a common misconception that coconut oil is bad for you. People all over the world are experiencing the healthy benefits of using coconut oil. It is actually one of the healthiest oils you can consume. Here are the top seven reasons why you should use coconut oil as an alternative to other common cooking oils.
1. Coconut oil doesn't turn to fat in your body.
Unlike many other common oils,
1. Coconut oil doesn't turn to fat in your body.
Unlike many other common oils,
7 Ways to Make Alkaline Diet Benefit You
The premise of an alkaline diet is that the nutrients found in supplements, alkalizing foods, and water can bring the body back to balance. These vitamins, minerals, and herbs infuse the body with new energy, vitality, and better health.
Alkaline foods and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.
Alkaline foods and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.
7 Reasons to grow your own organic vegetable garden
During the last decades there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. All this is clearly affecting mankind's health, and new diseases are spreading rapidly amongst humans and animals (bird's flu being the most recent one).
The World Health Organization produces
The World Health Organization produces
"Correct Your Acid / Alkaline Balance with the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say"
(free to publish)
In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid /alkaline imbalance. Let's see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance.
The problem
Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress -- both psychological and from pollution. Acids can build up
In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid /alkaline imbalance. Let's see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance.
The problem
Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress -- both psychological and from pollution. Acids can build up
Raw Food Diet
Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing.
Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.
Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.
The Importance of Healthy Eating
Have you ever heard the saying you are what you eat? In some sense, this is true, because if you eat unhealthy foods you are prone to be an unhealthy person. The foods we ingest are extremely important to our ability to grow, maintain function, and prevent illness. Therefore, if you value your health, you should learn as much about healthy eating as possible.
Healthy eating is important from
Healthy eating is important from
Just Say No: Healthy Eating and Peer Pressure
If you are on a diet or simply enjoying a healthy lifestyle, than you probably know that peer pressure to eat foods that are not good for you is a major part of your life. If you are worried about the food that goes into your mouth, don’t worry—there are ways to overcome peer pressure. It simply takes a little know-how to get people off your back!
Parties are a major source of peer pressure,
Parties are a major source of peer pressure,
How to Start Healthy Eating
If you currently do not eat a healthy diet, it can be difficult to start such a plan. However, healthy eating is important for maintaining bodily function and living a disease-free life. If you struggle with healthy eating, than you know that breaking unhealthy habits can be the most difficult part of the process. However, if you truly want to live the best lifestyle possible, it is important to
The Right Snack Track
Snacking is the downfall of many otherwise healthy diets, but the good news is that your can learn to control this snacking quite easily. Also, even if still want to snack during the day, there are ways in which you can do so without killing your healthy diet. Staying on track with your diet when you like to snack might be hard, but it is worth that extra effort because it keeps your body healthy
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Carbohydrate Craze
Carbohydrates have been put into the spotlight ever since diets like the Atkin’s Diet and the South Beach Diet have recommended cutting carbohydrates out of your meals as much as possible. However, before you make an drastic decisions about what foods to include and not include, it is crucial to learn about carbohydrates and what they do for your body.
In short, carbohydrates can be good or bad
In short, carbohydrates can be good or bad
Three Deadly Eating Disorders
Healthy eating is very important for our everyday lives, but unfortunately, many people develop problems with body image with prevent them from this healthy eating lifestyle. Eating disorders vary greatly from person to person, but one thing remains constant—they are very detrimental to a person’s health. If you or someone you know suffers from an eating disorder, it is important to seek help as
Eating Healthy for your Heart
Your heart is one of the most important organs in the body, and the foods you put into your mouth effect how your heart operates. If you want your heart to be strong and able to pump blood as well as possible all over your body, it is important for you to eat a healthy diet. Heart-healthy foods are readily available in the supermarket, so choose some that work for your personal likes and you
Why You Need Protein
When learning about healthy eating, one of the most important nutrients is protein. Of course, all nutrients are crucial for our bodies to be as healthy as possible, but without protein in our diets every single day, our bodies will not be as strong as they should be. Protein can be found in a number of food sources, so if you’re interested in eating a healthier diet, you should consider learning
Most Nutrients You Need
Healthy eating requires you to eat a number of nutrients every day. In fact, there are 40 different nutrients you need to ingest in order to keep your body healthy. That’s a lot of nutrients you need to know about! Luckily, you can break down all of these nutrients into smaller categories in order to keep them organized in your mind and make sure you get all of the foods you need.
First and
First and
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Be a Good House Guest and a Good Vegetarian
When you are learning the ropes of your new lifestyle of being a vegetarian, every aspect of life will be affected. From work to home life to eating out, you have to have a strategy for how to maintain your vegetarian discipline and still enjoy these different situations of life that are important to you. One of the situations we all find ourselves in, albeit perhaps infrequently, is when you
Get Picky Eaters to Eat Healthy Foods
When you have children, one of the biggest challenges is making sure that your child eats all of the food that he or she needs to grow in a healthy way. Healthy eating is important from birth! If your child doe not get the right nutrients in his or her food, it is possible that his or her growth will be stunted or that he or she will become ill. However, if you have a child, than you also know
Carbohydrate Craze
Carbohydrates have been put into the spotlight ever since diets like the Atkin’s Diet and the South Beach Diet have recommended cutting carbohydrates out of your meals as much as possible. However, before you make an drastic decisions about what foods to include and not include, it is crucial to learn about carbohydrates and what they do for your body.
In short, carbohydrates can be good or bad
In short, carbohydrates can be good or bad
Healthy Eating with Little Money
If you are interesting in eating a healthy diet compared to your current diet, I have good news or you—you don’t have to be rich to do so. It is fully possible to involve yourself in healthy eating, even if you are on a very tight budget. This may require a little bit of extra time and effort to plan your meals, but you can make good and inexpensive food choice in order to provide your body with
Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, that doesn’t stop millions of Americans, and people around the world, from skipping breakfast or opting for only a drink of coffee. The truth is that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, and you will have a much more healthy diet if you include breakfast in your daily life.
Enjoying Yoga to Live Healthy Aging
Yoga is a sort of exercise. Yoga assists one with controlling various aspects of the body and mind. Yoga helps you to take control of your Central Nervous System (CNS) and more. Enjoying yoga on a daily scale will build you up, which you will notice changes (Good changes), such as a boosted self-esteem. Your body will feel stronger also. For more than 5000 years, people have enjoyed yoga. Yoga
Eating Right in Healthy Aging
You have to eat right in order to stay healthy. If you do not eat right, your body does not receive the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You have to eat so it fuels your body. Similar to a motor vehicle, which you add gas to travel; the body requires food that promotes energy, making it go. Too much food is not good for you and not enough of the right food can be harmful to your health.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Foodborne Illnesses: Prevention for Healthy Eating
Eating healthy foods will help you to boost your immune system, but what if it’s the foods themselves making you sick? Foodborn illness can cause food poisoning and a variety of other more dangerous diseases, so they are a real threat to our bodies. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to prevent foodborne illnesses. Following safety tips when handling, preparing, and storing food is
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sleep Remedies experience share
Sleep remedies for people who got insomnia, is not too necessary for us take some sleep pills if you have sleeping trouble. Because there are so many natural ways to get cure on insomnia. Maybe you would try to eat some health food, enough exercises, and don' forget always positive thinking about your life. Minds are very important for us to keep healthy life habits, for natural health life you
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Take Propecia for male pattern baldness
If you ask younger men why they worry about losing their hair, they will all give some great-sounding reasons about how society judges them and discriminates against them, but it really all comes down to sex. Younger men like to think they are attractive to women. Even when they have talked their way into a steady relationship, they remain confident about their ability to find another partner
Cialis and erectile dysfunction facts
ED is not a chronic or permanent condition and can be treated
The vast experience is studying erectile dysfunction in men and numerous clinical tests have confirmed that the condition can be reversed to 35% of the initial state if treated with conventional methods. In some cases natural treatments can have very beneficial effects in the patient, while in others conventional medications are the
The vast experience is studying erectile dysfunction in men and numerous clinical tests have confirmed that the condition can be reversed to 35% of the initial state if treated with conventional methods. In some cases natural treatments can have very beneficial effects in the patient, while in others conventional medications are the
Viagra and diabetes - the risk of male impotence
Do you have problems with erection? Erectile disorders aren't quite rare, especially in those men who have blood sugar problems and diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual disorder in men, which is characterized by the decreased ability to get and keep erections hard enough for having penetrative sex. Despite the fact that ED has a purely physical manifestation, it is a
The psychology of erectile dysfunction
The body is really just a complicated machine with blood pumping round the plumbing system and muscles moving the bones around. Any machine can break down and a mechanic can fix it. But think about a car. You can repair damage but it still takes someone to drive it. Sex is more than plumbing. You have to be in the mood and find the partner attractive. If, for some reason, you stop being
Propecia – the solution for hair loss in men
It's obvious that most people aren't quite happy with hair loss when it occurs. Of course, there's a large number of people who are completely cool about balding and don't find it tragic at all, but most men are quite sensitive about their hair and become worried when the hair loss process takes force. And to make things even more unpleasant, there are actually many different factors that may
Treating ED with respect to its causes
Male impotence or, as the doctors call it, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a constant or periodical inability to obtain or maintain an erection strong enough for having sexual intercourse. And as the overall satisfaction with sexual life is a very important aspect of an individual's wellbeing, seeing the rise in erectile dysfunction and female sexual problems within the aging population becomes
Tramadol is an essential part of pain management
One of the building blocks of medical treatment is the need for the patient (that's you) to consent to whatever treatment is proposed. Hopefully, the doctor gives you a good explanation of the all costs and benefits, and this allows you to make a properly informed decision. The problems with this in the real world come on both sides of the equation. Some doctors act as if they walk on water and
Monday, July 19, 2010
Advancing Oxidative Stress Technology Oxis International
Aging are problems that people are forced to deal with as they age, many people turn to surgery and other ways to get quick results, but they do not realize the result of it all. Because there is simple and safe anti aging to do, youcan found on will found Antioxidants also, because antioxidants can help to protect your cells from damage, which helps to fend off
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Important Things Consumers Should Know about Massage Therapy
When people think of massage therapy, they generally think of the beach side spa, but there is more to it than just a vacation activity. Massage therapy can have benefits to people who suffer from muscle pain, tension headaches, and other issues. Here are five things that consumers should know about massage therapy.
1. Know what to ask for. There are different types of massages and if you
1. Know what to ask for. There are different types of massages and if you
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Fast Food - Healthy tips
We all love fast food! It is part of our lifestyle! Some people totally give in and make it their main food having it three times a day. Big Mac or stake, what's the difference they may argue!
When I was a child we didn't have fast food. I was having farm grown chicken cooked by my mom and not deep fried from KFC! The temptation simply wasn't there and now I think that was a blessing.
When I was a child we didn't have fast food. I was having farm grown chicken cooked by my mom and not deep fried from KFC! The temptation simply wasn't there and now I think that was a blessing.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Critical Background You Need to Know About Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a disease that affects both men and women. Most people don't know that men can get cancer of the breast, too. Breast cancer is not just one disease but a little group of diseases with cells growing out of control. Just about all tumors are really clumps of abnormal cells. Tumor cells often break off and go some other place to form; this is called metastasis (spreading). Even
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Best Diet To Lose Weight Quickly That Is Very Effective For Anyone
Because there are so many people telling you different things that it can be hard to decide who to believe trying to find the best diet to lose weight quickly can be very difficult to do. That is why you need to know the truth about what diet to use that will help anyone lose weight quickly.
The key to losing weight fast is to learn what foods to eat and how to eat correctly. Below are some
The key to losing weight fast is to learn what foods to eat and how to eat correctly. Below are some
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dietary Patterns for Teen Weight Loss
A balanced diet is essential for teenagers to continue to grow. Frequent dieting always results in suppression of growth and at times weight gain also. Diets, which are meant for adults, do not suit adolescents.
Overweight in teenagers is caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns or a combination of both. Genetics and lifestyle also play an important role. Teens need about
Overweight in teenagers is caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns or a combination of both. Genetics and lifestyle also play an important role. Teens need about
Complementary Therapy To Restore Natural Harmony In Your Body
There is nothing more soothing than the natural touch of complementary therapy to make the body heal quickly and effectively. You might have tried out a lot of treatments, massages and medicines to get rid of the muscle strains in your body. Most of them cost a fortune and do not provide satisfactory results for the problems. You can now look for more feasible healing options at natural therapy
Monday, June 14, 2010
How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Ok - so lets face up to the facts at the outset. Hypertension is not called the silent killer for nothing. If you have BP numbers that are too high then you risk early death from stroke or heart attack unless you do something about it.
But it's never that easy is it?
Modern day medicines nearly always work but always bring side effects with them - and sometimes these adverse effects can be so
But it's never that easy is it?
Modern day medicines nearly always work but always bring side effects with them - and sometimes these adverse effects can be so
Vitamins And Minerals For Optimal Health
Health is a major concern in the United States, from vitamins and minerals, to the proper nutrition and intake, it is hard to get the proper amount of nutrition you need everyday from just the regular foods you intake.
Vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring substances necessary for many processes in the body. Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs in small but steady amounts
Vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring substances necessary for many processes in the body. Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs in small but steady amounts
Sunday, June 13, 2010
3 Top Unknown Key Lifestyle Factors For Better Skin Health
Check your skin health using a simple DIY test
The main physiological parameters for normal work of skin cells are their oxygenation and blood supply. Low skin oxygenation (tissue hypoxia) and inadequate blood supply are normal features for acne, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. People with normal oxygenation and circulation never develop these and many other skin problems.
How to find out or
The main physiological parameters for normal work of skin cells are their oxygenation and blood supply. Low skin oxygenation (tissue hypoxia) and inadequate blood supply are normal features for acne, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. People with normal oxygenation and circulation never develop these and many other skin problems.
How to find out or
Effective Herbal Weight Loss Methods
Obesity is one of the major problems now a days the reasons being many. Maintaining healthy life by using herbal products is called as Herbal life. Herbal life products contain herbal components and help in losing weight. The genuine herbal weight loss combined with exercise can definitely help in getting rid of excessive weight.
Herbal products are prepared from the leaves, stems, roots, bark,
Herbal products are prepared from the leaves, stems, roots, bark,
Sources of Protein Supplements
Whey protein contains about 70 to 85% of protein. It is a by-product gotten during the production of cheese. It makes up 20% of the protein content found in milk. In the past it was wrongly considered as waste but is now the most popular source for protein supplements. It has high BV ratings and richly contains amino acids such as isoleucine, valine and leucine. These amino acids are good muscle
What Causes Women To Have Breast Cancer?
There are no specific explanations as to what causes women to have breast cancer. It usually occurs after they reached their 20s although some cases prove otherwise. The only treatment doctors recommend to prevent it is mammogram which will determine whether or not they have breast cancer. Breast cancer can be caused by few factors such as premature mentrual, late menopause, excessive smoking,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Protein Shakes - All Your Questions Answered!
Protein shakes are a dietary supplement. Many of the foods we eat every day contain protein: beef, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, and nuts are the items highest in protein. However, many fitness experts claim that these protein levels are not enough if you are undergoing intense workouts, whether cardio or weight training. This is a highly controversial topic though. While many experts claim
Incredible Contributions Of Biotechnological Plants To the Medical World
Biotechnology has paved the path of progress of Pharmaceutical engineering. It has provided remarkable contributions to many sectors like food processing industries, agriculture etc. but its contribution to medical world is outstanding. It has provided solutions for deadliest diseases and has increased the life span of the sufferers. Not only for human beings but also for animals, biotechnology
How Acai Berry Can Benefit You
One of the fast becoming well liked choices for health buffs and health food fanatics alike is the acai berry. It is advised by a lot of health experts and nutritionists as the "the superlative super food in the whole world". These berries have on of the highest levels of antioxidants among all the fruits in the whole world. It can be as great as ten times extra as grapes in some situations and
Women Can Get Great Benefits From Whey Protein
Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects? I am very particular about what I am putting into my body at all times. I hate the idea of eating or taking something that I am not sure about what it is suppose to do or what side effects may be caused.
If you are
If you are
Boswellia Nutrient
Boswellia is a plant from Burseraceae Family, Boswellia has a unique inflammatory effects and is the first clinical evidence of herbal treatments that are useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, back pain, rheumatism have documented, and myositis symptoms. Research shows that a group of triterpenoids called boswellic acids, are responsible for this.
Boswellia Benefits
Boswellia Benefits
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is actually pollen from flowers that is collected from bees as they enter the hive or is harvested by other means. Pollen granules stick to the bees' legs and other body parts as they help themselves to nectar (the precursor of honey) inside the flowers. Pollen products are marketed through health-food stores, multilevel distributors, drugstores, mail-order advertising, and the
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bean Vegetables Benefits
Beans is a common name for large plant seeds of several genera of the family Fabaceae (alternately Leguminosae) used for human food or animal feed.
The whole young pods of bean plants, if picked before the pods ripen and dry, are very tender and may be eaten cooked or raw. Thus the word "green beans" means "green" in the sense of unripe (many are in fact not green in color), as the beans inside
The whole young pods of bean plants, if picked before the pods ripen and dry, are very tender and may be eaten cooked or raw. Thus the word "green beans" means "green" in the sense of unripe (many are in fact not green in color), as the beans inside
Monday, June 7, 2010
Google Search Result
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Cucumber Nutrient benefits for Health
The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, and in the same genus as the muskmelon.(Cucumber).
Cucumbers, scientifically known as Cucumis sativus, are grown to either be eaten fresh or to be pickled. Those that are to be eaten fresh are commonly called slicing cucumbers. They are cylindrical in shape and commonly range in
Cucumbers, scientifically known as Cucumis sativus, are grown to either be eaten fresh or to be pickled. Those that are to be eaten fresh are commonly called slicing cucumbers. They are cylindrical in shape and commonly range in
Brassica Oleracea Benefits for Health
Brassica oleracea, or Wild Cabbage, is a species of Brassica native to coastal southern and western Europe, where its tolerance of salt and lime and its intolerance of competition from other plants typically restrict its natural occurrence to limestone sea cliffs, like the chalk cliffs on both sides of the English Channel, (wikipedia Brassica oleracea).
This is a group of plants belonging to the
This is a group of plants belonging to the
Orange Nutrient
The orange is a hybrid of ancient cultivated origin, possibly between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata).
Oranges originated in Southeast Asia. The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it from Citrus aurantium, the bitter orange. The name is thought to ultimately derive from the Sanskrit for the orange tree, with its final form developing after
Oranges originated in Southeast Asia. The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it from Citrus aurantium, the bitter orange. The name is thought to ultimately derive from the Sanskrit for the orange tree, with its final form developing after
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Broccoli Nutrients
Broccoli (from the Italian plural of broccolo, referring to "the flowering top of a cabbage") is a plant of the mustard/cabbage family Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae). It is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like fashion on branches sprouting from a thick, edible stalk. The mass
Tomatoes Nutrient
Tomatoes Nutrient Content from :
Red tomatoes, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 75 kJ (18 kcal)
Carbohydrates 4 g
Sugars 2.6 g
Dietary fiber 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Water 95 g
Vitamin C 13 mg (22%)
Many varieties of tomatoes, such as large-sized tomato fruit, tomato vegetable with smaller size and cherry
Red tomatoes, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 75 kJ (18 kcal)
Carbohydrates 4 g
Sugars 2.6 g
Dietary fiber 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Water 95 g
Vitamin C 13 mg (22%)
Many varieties of tomatoes, such as large-sized tomato fruit, tomato vegetable with smaller size and cherry
15 Best Healthy Diet Tips
Why a lot of people doing diet ? What is the advantage with diet ? How the best healthy diet should be ?
Diet, in relation to food, might mean:
Diet (nutrition), the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.
Dieting, the deliberate selection of food to control body weight or nutrient intake.
Diet food, foods that aid in dieting
Cuisine, the diet of a particular culture
Excessive dieting
Diet, in relation to food, might mean:
Diet (nutrition), the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.
Dieting, the deliberate selection of food to control body weight or nutrient intake.
Diet food, foods that aid in dieting
Cuisine, the diet of a particular culture
Excessive dieting
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Food List to Make Your Strong Memory
1. Salmon
Fatty fish such as salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids - DHA and EPA - both essential for growth and development of brain function. Recent research also shows that people who earn more fatty acid intake has a sharper mind and recorded satisfactory results in testing capabilities. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 acids, but fish is not as rich as salmon.
Fatty fish such as salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids - DHA and EPA - both essential for growth and development of brain function. Recent research also shows that people who earn more fatty acid intake has a sharper mind and recorded satisfactory results in testing capabilities. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 acids, but fish is not as rich as salmon.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE )
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE ) that also known as Lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. The immune system is a complex system within the body that is designed to fight infectious agents, such as bacteria and
Monday, May 31, 2010
Nutritious Foods
Nuttitious foods is a necessity that is essential for life because of human foods to find sources of energy or strength to perform daily activities. Therefore it is necessary to note the type and quality of food consumed, namely:
* High fiber
* Low fat
* Contains balanced nutrition
What Is High Fiber Foods?
High fiber foods are foods that contain fiber and derived from plants like
* High fiber
* Low fat
* Contains balanced nutrition
What Is High Fiber Foods?
High fiber foods are foods that contain fiber and derived from plants like
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Best Natural Cure For Cancer Does Exist
Do not lose hope if you or a loved one is suffering from cancer right now. The best natural cure for cancer does exist. Contrary to what medical doctors believe, there is HOPE for cancer victims. The "Cancer-Free--Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing" book is a comprehensive and very informative guide intended to save hopeless lives afflicted with cancer.
The author is Bill Henderson whose
The author is Bill Henderson whose
Stop Smoking For Your Health
Cigarettes have become the most popular smaller objects. The number of smokers in this world getting raised from days to days. The number of smokers in developing countries far more than the number of smokers in developed countries. Figures are very poor due to bad considering the new smoking will be felt in the long term.
A stick of Cigarette Ingredients
Any substance contained in a cigarette?
A stick of Cigarette Ingredients
Any substance contained in a cigarette?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
As human beings we must have been experiencing health conditions that are not so good, and we certainly would feel less comfortable when forced to take medication from a doctor. We certainly do not feel comfortable when it comes to taking prescription drugs for our healing, but we certainly will not be refused when cure is not in the form of pills, but the form of nutritious foods that can heal
This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not treated, can cause permanent disabilities such as enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals both women and men. Elephant Leg Disease is not a deadly disease, however, for patients may be something that feels shameful even can interfere with daily activities.Elephant Leg Disease commonly found in many tropical regions. According to information from WHO
Colorectal Cancer
Colon cancer tissue from the colon (the longest in the large INTESTINE) or rectum tissue (a few inches past the large INTESTINE before the anus). Most colon cancer is adenocarcinoma (cancer that attacks the epithelial cells).
SYMPTOMS colon cancer
Colon cancer usually causes no symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms usually occur only at an advanced stage. Symptoms of intestinal cancer, namely:
SYMPTOMS colon cancer
Colon cancer usually causes no symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms usually occur only at an advanced stage. Symptoms of intestinal cancer, namely:
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms usually occur only at an advanced stage. Symptoms of prostate cancer, including:
* Frequently feel like urination, especially at night * The difficulty to start urinating or holding urine * The flow of weak or interrupted urine * Feelings of pain or burning when urinating * Blood in urine or semen * Sexual
* Frequently feel like urination, especially at night * The difficulty to start urinating or holding urine * The flow of weak or interrupted urine * Feelings of pain or burning when urinating * Blood in urine or semen * Sexual
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a disease where there is excessive growth or uncontrolled growth of cells (tissue) breast, This could happen to women and men. From all over the world, breast cancer (Breast Cancer / Carcinoma mammae) reported as one cause of cancer death number five (5) after; kaker lung, cervical cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer.
* Causes of Breast Cancer
Spelled breast cancer the most
* Causes of Breast Cancer
Spelled breast cancer the most
Cancer Prevention and Mental Therapy
General Prevention of cancerGeneral prevention is reduced exposure to carcinogenic materials, such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high fiber foods like vegetables and fruit, physically active life, striving for the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening for the possibility of cancer. Cancer screening test is needed to
Cancer Treatment
Herbal Medicine and Conventional MedicineCancer Treatment
Herbal treatment is a treatment using a variety of extracts from plants (medicinal plants), for example, extracts from rat taro (Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme) combined with other natural materials which are processed in a modern way, which can help stimulate blood and tissue detoxification of the immune system bodies to jointly
Herbal treatment is a treatment using a variety of extracts from plants (medicinal plants), for example, extracts from rat taro (Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme) combined with other natural materials which are processed in a modern way, which can help stimulate blood and tissue detoxification of the immune system bodies to jointly
Cancer Diagnosis
Early Detection of Cancer:
Efforts to cancer detection to date is with Digital Infrared Imaging Infrared Imaging or Digital (PID). This technique to monitor the health of breast and cervix in women for the presence of precancerous process. PID working principle is that objects at a given temperature will emit radiation of surface waves electromagnetism invisible, where the maximum intensity
Efforts to cancer detection to date is with Digital Infrared Imaging Infrared Imaging or Digital (PID). This technique to monitor the health of breast and cervix in women for the presence of precancerous process. PID working principle is that objects at a given temperature will emit radiation of surface waves electromagnetism invisible, where the maximum intensity
Cancer is not a mild disease. Early step in cancer treatment is correctly detecting that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be done quickly and accurately. The next step is treatment with conventional therapy. But in fact this way of treatment of cancer often can not be
Symptoms and Signs of Heart Attack
Symptoms and Signs of Heart Attack, Heart attacks usually occur suddenly, so that often people who suffered a heart attack can not be helped. Basically a heart attack have symptoms and signs, but many are not aware of it or even consider other types of diseases affected.
The wind sits, a little known society is actually a heart attack.
Symptoms and signs of heart attack:
Overwritten depressed
The wind sits, a little known society is actually a heart attack.
Symptoms and signs of heart attack:
Overwritten depressed
Understanding Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Kidney Failure (CRF) or end stage renal disease is a chronic renal failure is progressive and irreversible. Where the ability of the body fails to maintain metabolism and fluid and electrolyte balance, leading to uremia (retention of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood) (KMB, Vol 2 p. 1448).
Causes of chronic renal crow quite a lot but for clinical purposes can be
Causes of chronic renal crow quite a lot but for clinical purposes can be
Cervical Cancer
Of course you are familiar with the term cervical cancer, or cancer of the cervix. True, as the name suggests, cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix, a region in the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) with a hole in intercourse (vaginal). This cancer usually occurs in women who have been outstanding, but the
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